So, not wanting to miss out, Alison and I decided to do this trek. We arrived at our accommodation on Wednesday night, thinking that we would relax on Thursday and then do the trek on Friday. Upon arrival, the very nice check-in man advised us to do it on Thursday, as the weather was looking better than Friday. And so.... feeling somewhat mentally unprepared....we did!
It was a great hike. It was interesting because of the changing landscape and the different terrain throughout. One hour you are doing stairs up the mountian and climbing up rocks, and then next hour you are scrambling down loose rocks (this was alison's favorite part...she was like a little goat!)
We were very tired by the end of it- although we ran the last couple kms because we did not want to miss the 3:30 bus (it was 3:15 or so) and have to wait until 4:30. Luckily we arrived there in time for our 3:30 shuttle, and Alison even had time to do stretches with the bus driver! (Alison was doing stretches on the grass and all of a sudden he was like "my physio therapist taught me some good stretches. Let me show you.")
Anyway the views on the hike were awesome! Very diverse! Up mountains, by lakes, rocky switchbacks, you name it, it was there.
The beginning of the hike, which was like a prance through grasslands, beside a friendly creek. Didn't last for long.
I thought that this was what we were climbing. Finding out that this was a different (or side hike) was the best part of the hike. Just jokes, it was all nice.
Here i am, beside weird rock things.
Apparently this was mount doom in Lord of the Rings.
Alison at the summit of the mountain. Note awesome $2 toque.
Yes it was this cold at the top. The mountian i thought we were climbing. Phew!
One of the very pretty lakes.
I think this was my favourite. It was purple on the sides, and a wicked blue in the middle.
On the way down. Which was easier but SUPER long. I think we went down for 3 hours!
My chocolate raspberry cupcake flavoured protein bar. It did not taste like a cupcake.
Alison's was better. It was caramel coconut.
Little greet plants and purple flowers.
Alison in her victory pose in the parking lot. We finished!!
We are a bit behind in our posts. Hopefully we can get the other ones up in the next few days. Currently we are in Murchinson, and just finished a 4 day kayak school. Now we are off down the west coast (oh- we're on the south island now...). One week until India. We are not exactly feeling ready to leave NZ (i could live here!- except for the sand flies. I will not miss them at all) but are feeling excited for India!
Miss you all!